DIASPORA LAW CAN HELP TODAY If you or a loved one has been detained or is being held in a Detention Facility and need legal representation, please contact our Immigration…
Close to three-quarters of a million immigrant youth have applied for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Deferred Action simply means that the Deportation that could be imminent will be…
Finding an immigration lawyer can be a daunting task. Finding a good immigration lawyer can be even more daunting. The better way to think about it however, is how can…
Lawyer’s fees can vary greatly, and although it is tempting always to find the cheapest lawyer possible, cost should never be the only consideration given to choosing a lawyer. If…
Before you begin your search for an immigration lawyer, here are Four Steps to take before your first meeting with an Immigration Lawyer. This checklist will help you enter your…
Much has been said in recent presidential election debates on the perceived threats of ‘illegal immigration’ on the United States economy. The political discourse has even gone from hot to…
The President promised in 2008 that it was time to reform the immigration system, but unfortunately, due to congressional inaction, comprehensive immigration reform has not passed. The President has used…
Every law, passed by the legislature has an impact in everyone’s life. But many times we do not realize the importance of popular involvement, and how the law makers and…
The last week of January was a first step in the process of Immigration Reform that many supporters accepted across sectors, including advocates, labor, and businesses. The proposals can be…
Potential applicants and beneficiaries of immigration reform are hopeful for favorable changes in the system for 2013. Mainly, ensuring that a new legislation creates a path to citizenship for over…